Sunday, February 16, 2025
HomeNewsWanted to update our indoor racing community: Tommy is at Missouri...

Wanted to update our indoor racing community: Tommy is at Missouri Baptist afte…

Wanted to update our indoor racing community: Tommy is at Missouri Baptist after a heart related complication immediately following the race. He is comfortable and doing ok now with a nitro drip. They are admitting him. He will have a cardio cath done tomorrow or Monday. Doctor just came in. Said he had a “natural stress test” today and his heart failed. Confirming blockage and ekg shows he probably had a minor heart attack but we reacted quickly which helps. Many of you have messaged checking on him. I will update again tomorrow. Thank you for reaching out. The biggest thank you to the best crew and racing families that stepped up, loaded all our racing stuff, and drove it back for us so he and I didn’t have to worry about one thing. Racing families come together like no other. I don’t know what we would do without you. I’m sure there were more than this so thank each and every person that helped in anyway. @Bobby Keane Keith D Skaggs Dan Nier Tylor Harris Lori Lawson Harris Rocky & Chris Soutiea Sabrina Soutiea Samantha Soutiea @Chris LaRose



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